1951 and Beyond

The Modern Era

1950 1950 Saint Paul’s celebrates the bicentennial of its founding in 1750.
1954 The U.S. Supreme Court mandates the desegregation of public schools through its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education.
1954 The Rt. Rev. Albert Rhett Stuart was consecrated Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia on October 20.
1954 The Episcopal Church was substantially involved in the civil rights movement. The seminaries were integrated in the 1950’s, and by 1954 all dioceses had lifted restrictions on blacks being elected as deputies to diocesan conventions.
1960 Eugene Carson Blake proposes merger of the Episcopal Church, Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, and United Church of Christ, resulting in formation of the Consultation on Church Union.
1960 Dennis Bennett launches the Charismatic Renewal Movement.
1961 General Convention authorizes women to be lay readers.
1963 Rev. C. Edward Reeves is instituted as 15th Rector of Saint Paul’s.
1964 John Hines, former Rector of Saint Paul’s, elected Presiding Bishop at General Convention.
1964 The Rev. Martin Luther King addressed the 1964 General Convention in St. Louis.

1966 Dedication of the Casavant Frères organ at All Saints’ Day celebration.
1967 General Convention authorizes laymen to administer the chalice, and authorizes women to be convention deputies. A special General Convention in 1969 authorized women to serve as chalice bearers.
1968 Saint Paul’s Church joins with monks of the Order of the Holy Cross to bring water and sewer service to Augusta’s impoverished Hyde Park community, with additional funding from The Episcopal Church.
1968 Saint Paul’s establishes a daycare center on Walker Street in Old Towne for young children of poor mothers in a local job training program.
1968 Mrs. Darcy Thomas becomes the first woman to serve as Lay Reader at Saint Paul’s.
1968 In October, the first joint meeting of the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada and the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States was held at Saint Paul’s.
1970 General Convention authorizes ordination of women to the diaconate, and the “Green Book” of trial liturgies.
1971 First meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC).
1972 Saint Paul’s Church is added to the National Register of Historic Places.
1972 The Cursillo Program is initiated in the Diocese of Georgia with the encouragement and approval of Bishop Reeves.
1972 The diocesan convention was held at Saint Paul’s in February. Bp. Stuart retired, and the Rt. Rev. Paul Reeves formally acceded to the post of Bishop.
1973 General Convention changes marriage canons to allow divorced persons to marry within the Church.
1973 Carolyn A. Humphries becomes the first woman elected to the vestry of Saint Paul’s.
1973 The remains of Col. William Few (1748-1828), signer of the U.S. Constitution, are transferred from Beacon-on-Hudson, New York, and re-interred in the graveyard of Saint Paul’s Church.
1975 Rev. Roderic L. Murray is instituted as the 16th Rector of Saint Paul’s.
1974 Irregular ordination of women to the priesthood. The ordaining bishops were censured at the 1975 General Convention.
1976 General Convention approves ordination of women to the priesthood.
1979 General Convention authorizes a new Book of Common Prayer. Adoption of a resolution stating, “It is not appropriate for this church to ordain a practicing homosexual or any person engaged in heterosexual relations outside of marriage.”
1981 Rev. Peter Glyn Thomas is instituted as 17th rector of Saint Paul’s.
1982 General Convention approves Hymnal 1982.
1982 Saint Paul’s joins with five churches and one synagogue to found a soup kitchen. The endeavor becomes The Master’s Table, which continues to serve meals 365 days a year.
1984 Death of F. Bland Tucker, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah, translator and author of
many hymns for the Episcopal Hymnal 1982.
1985 Harry Woolston Shipps is consecrated 8th Bishop of Georgia, January 21, 1985, succeeding George Paul Reeves.
1986 The city of Augusta celebrates the 250th anniversary of its founding by Gen. James Oglethorpe. Saint Paul’s hosts celebrations and dignitaries from the United Kingdom.
1986 The Preston Rockholt organ is installed and dedicated in Saint Paul’s chapel.
1991 Rev. Donald Fishburne is instituted as the 18th Rector of Saint Paul’s.
1993 Sonia Sullivan of Valdosta, Georgia, becomes the first woman ordained priest in the Diocese of Georgia.
1994 General Convention removed the “filioque” from the Nicene Creed of the next prayer book.
1995 Henry Irving Louttit, Jr., is consecrated 9th Bishop of Georgia, succeeding Harry Woolston Shipps.
1997 General Convention approved the Lutheran-Episcopal Concordat of Agreement. The document, “Called to Common Mission” was approved at the 2000 General Convention.
2000 Saint Paul’s Church celebrates the 250th anniversary of its founding.
2001 Saint Paul’s dedicates its Children’s Ministries Center.
2002 Rev. Richard E. Sanders is instituted as the 19th Rector of Saint Paul’s
2006 Katherine Jefferts-Schori is elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, becoming the first woman Presiding Bishop and the first woman elected as Primate in the Anglican Communion.
2007 Saint Paul’s dedicates its Colonial Garden.
2008 Saint Paul’s dedicates its River Room event facility.
2010 Scott Anson Benhase is elected 10th Bishop of Georgia, succeeding Henry I. Louttit Jr.
2012 The 71 parishes and missions of the Diocese of Georgia meet in convention at Saint Paul’s.
2013 Rev. George Daniels Muir installed as interim Rector of Saint Paul’s.
2015 Michael Bruce Curry becomes the first African-American to be elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.


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