Daughters of the King


The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international prayer and service order in the Episcopal Church. The Saint Ruth Byllesby Chapter was formed at Saint Paul’s several years ago and is one of the ministries of our Church. The Daughters live out their Baptismal covenant through the adoption of a Rule of Life to pray daily and to serve their Church at the direction of the Rector. As a community of women, we promise to pray, work, and support the spread of God’s Kingdom here on earth remembering that prayer is always the foundation from which our service grows. Currently at the Saint Ruth Byllesby Chapter provides the following prayer based ministries at Saint Paul’s with more to come:

  • Confidential Prayer Requests for Daily Prayer that can either be submitted via prayer cards from the pews or through the Saint Paul’s Website.
  • The College Student Ministry – Supporting College Students of the parish through personal contact and daily prayer as they transition from their homes to life away from most of what they know.
  • The Advent Prayer Tree throughout the Christmas (Advent) Season.
  • Three Quiet Days for Prayer and Meditation – One in the Fall, one during Epiphany, and one during Pentecost.
  •  Two Guided Labyrinth Walks – One in Advent and one in Lent for Prayer and Meditation.
  • Spring Bra Drive for “Free the Girls,” an international ministry for women recovering from lives in human trafficking, to provide bras that are used to support their financial independence and enhance women’s chances of recovery from of this oppressive life in developing countries.
  • A Lenten Christian Formation Series “Bible Women” to stimulate discussions and scriptural reflections on the voices of women and what they had to say in the Bible.
  • Discernment Classes in the Spring for women of the Church who may be considering joining the Order and preparing them for a Fall Admission Service.


Prayer Ministry

Prayer is an integral part of our worship! Your contemplations, thanksgivings, concerns and celebrations can be prayed for in several ways at Saint Paul’s. Depending on how open or private your prayer request is you may:

  • Send in prayer requests for our weekly bulletin by emailing the Parish Office.  It will be added to the list used during “Prayers of the People” in the service. This list also goes out to our radio audience, using a first name only.
  • Give prayer requests to Daughters of the King, a ministry committed to daily, contemplative prayer. This ensures your request will be prayed for every day, throughout the day by members of the Saint Paul’s chapter, known as the “St. Ruth Byllesby Order of Daughters of the King.” You may get your prayers to them by:
    •  Completing a Prayer Request card found in the church pews and place it in the alms basins during the Offertory at any service;
    •  Emailing them at: struthdok@gmail.com to add to your prayer to their list or using the quick link on the Saint Paul’s home page in the blue bar at the top left ;
    •  Or share your request in confidence with any DoK member, who will only share with other praying members and clergy. Look for daughters wearing a cross that looks like this:

  • Your most trusted, confidential prayer needs should be given directly to clergy.

One method is not better than another. It just depends on your need and level of privacy at the time. Prayers stay on the list in the bulletin and with Daughters of the King for 30 days, unless otherwise specified.